
Even after achieving so much in the temporal world, he used to feel a vacuum in self, an ongoing and ever-increasing restlessness. He often experienced a huge ideological clash within. His urge to find Truth dragged him to read various scriptures across religions. Param Dwij spent labyrinthine hours reading spiritual masters that spanned sometimes day and night, tirelessly, when he was supposed to accomplish his office work.

He began meditating for hours and hours. It happened several times that he resigned the mundane world to move to solitary places away from human abode to introspect and to have mindfulness. He realized a gradual change occurring inside – it was something mystical, which he started depicting in words.

…and destroyed his whole written work of years one night.

It was the moment that Param Dwij transcended and got the consciousness of his second birth – getting reborn in the same life – which he later called becoming a ‘Dwij’.