‘Seven’ eternal pillars of the Soul
Living Dwij
In 2022, Param Dwij came up with a boon for humanity and inspired people for living the rest of their life as a ‘Dwij’, by consciously taking rebirth in the present life. The group of such transformed people by choice has become an ever-growing holy Dwij Family. The Dwij Family is a community of elevated minds who take their re-birth in the present life by abandoning all the conditionings of society and by taking a firm oath to follow the principles and practices recommended for a ‘Dwij’ by Param Dwij. The process of becoming a ‘Dwij’ is not an accidental occurrence but an informed choice by an individual. Living Dwij is a humanitarian organisation dedicated to spiritually uplift the society to experience the Truth and to achieve the sole purpose of the soul for coming on the earth.
…and that sole purpose is nothing but to achieve Jeevan Mukti (absolute freedom) – Moksha.

A Dwij
Dwij is a highly disciplined living of a transcended life from a common being to a powerful being, walking consciously on the path of realisation of Supreme Consciousness – the Daata, the God, the Paramatma, the Allah…
Along the path, a Dwij starts experiencing the ‘Oneness’ of the whole universe. It functions as a medium to eradicate all the doctored and manipulative ideas imposed on mind by the society or assimilated consciously or unconsciously from the surroundings or companionship in the present birth and old impressions engraved on the soul during previous births.
Oneness of the Whole
A ‘Dwij’ looks at the universe as an abode of ‘Oneness’. It doesn’t refer to a specific sect, caste, community, nation, or even religion. In fact, it brings together the entire humanity, irrespective of boundaries of any kind.
A ‘Dwij’ believes in the eternal connection that binds everything in Brahmand (universe) together, not only living beings but also the material nature.

Brahm, the Supreme Soul
A Dwij does not suggest idol worshipping neither it defies the concept of it, if idol worshipping is deeply rooted in someone’s sanskaras as abandoning it may hinder with their belief system.
A ‘Dwij’ believes in following one’s festivals and rituals based on their beliefs and by abandoning all varieties of organised religions that may take them away from the path of spirituality.
All types of beings, space and the entire material nature are ‘Brahmand’, like different particles, living and non living species and water in an ocean. The One Energy (the Supreme Consciousness) that flows everywhere and is in everything, and binds everything together to make it the ‘Brahmand‘ is ‘Brahm‘, the Supreme Soul – the ‘Daata‘.
‘Living Dwij’ symbolises ‘Brahm‘ in the shape of ‘Brahmand’ and addresses it as ‘Brahm–Jyoti Stambh’ – the emblem of ‘Brahm‘. A ‘Dwij‘ meditates at ‘Brahm–Jyoti Stambh’ to realise the ‘Brahm‘ by opening their third eye with determination, concentration and focus to continuously transcend into higher consciousness with the objectiive of eventually merging into the ‘Brahm‘.
A Unified World
Becoming a ‘Dwij‘ empowers one’s determination to transform into a spiritual being.
The doctrine of the ‘Living Dwij’ is to bring people closer by shattering the walls of misconception and religious prejudices, to make humanity realise their true-self, which would help them live a peaceful and stress-free life. ‘Living Dwij’ endeavours to eradicate ideological conflicts among sects to bring them on a common ground to establish harmony.
…this will lead humanity to be free from their prejudices, which are the sole reason for conflict in the world. And, progress towards Living Dwij’s vision of a ‘Unified World’.