Advanced Meditation
As you progress to the Advanced Guided Meditation stage, you would have gained a solid understanding of the meditation process and techniques. In this stage, you will now progress towards exploring the subtle parts of your inner world, including the aspects that you may have previously avoided. This will involve inviting the deep conscious being to come forward for introspection and to provide clarity on how four functions of the mind (manas, chitta, ahamkara, and buddhi) work and how they can be controlled. With continued practice in the advanced stage, you will be able to identify and weaken the deep impressions that drive karma, leading to an informed and ever conscious stage that will also bring more fruitful meditation experience for further progress towards the highest stage of meditation – ‘Samadhi’.

As you embrace your unconscious thoughts and feelings, you let go of memories, images, and words. You delve deeper into the elements that make up your true self, like subtle energies and building blocks. Eventually, you will surpass even these, journeying through the most delicate channels of light and sound to discover the purest essence of your being and consciousness.
Some people are only interested in the initial stage of meditation, which involves training and calming the mind for stress management purposes. They may not be interested in exploring the subconscious or subtle realms.

Others may want to explore the subconscious but may not have the desire to go beyond that stage. Their primary motivation could just be to explore the subtle realm rather than achieving higher spiritual realisation.
Many individuals may also aspire to gain access to the subtle, psychic, cosmic, or occult planes for their inherent benefits in the worldly or spiritual realms.
For those who seek to attain a deeper understanding of the self and the ‘Brahm’ or Absolute Truth, it is essential to transcend the limitations of the physical and mental planes and detach from material world including worldly relationships. To aid in this endeavour, we offer Advanced Guided meditations that may lead you to the highest possible meditative and spiritual state of ‘Samadhi’, where you will experience the profound sense of unity in all elements of the universe including yourself and the Supreme Consciousness, the ‘Daata’. This meditative state will help you realise ‘Oneness’ among all the things, bringing you closer to the true essence of your being.