Five Basic Truths of the Universe
(Based on the live discourse of Param Dwij)
(परम द्विज के प्रवचन पर आधारित)
Om-Tat-Sat; ‘Daata’ is in my remembrance!
What is the truth?
In fact, this is the most important question in spiritual journey. The basic common understanding tells us that there can only be one truth – absolute truth, the one which is eternal, does not change, does not get affected. And, that absolute truth can only be the existence of Supreme Consciousness – ‘Param-Aatma’ – which people address with different names in different beliefs and languages – God, Ishwara, Allah, Daata etc. So, the Supreme Consciousness is the Absolute Truth.
But if we go a little deeper, we find that there are actually five basic truths of our universe, eternal or non-eternal, which exist. However, the absolute truth is only ‘One’.
So, what are those five basics truths?
The first truth is of course ‘Daata’, the God, or whatever you call Him. This is the first basic truth, which is the absolute truth.
And, the second basic truth is ‘Jeev’, the soul. The first basic truth, the ‘Daata’, is the controller and the second basic truth ‘Jeev’ is the one who is controlled by the first basic truth, the Controller. The ‘Jeev’ or soul is controlled by the Controller, the Supreme Consciousness. So, the Controller and the ‘Jeev’ as controlled are the first two basic truths of our universe. And then, there are three other basic truths.
The third basic truth is ‘Prakriti’ – ‘Prakriti’ means material nature.
And, the fourth basic truth is ‘Kaal’ – Kaal means time – which means the duration of the existence of this whole universe in which the manifestation of the material nature happens.
And the fifth basic truth is Karma, the action.
So, these are the five basic truths within which the knowledge of the whole Brahm or the ‘Brahmand’ is present.
When something happens in cosmic nature, it happens because of the ‘Daata’, the Controller. So, anything that happens in this cosmic nature, the ‘Prakriti’, happens because of the Controller, as nothing can manifest without the Controller.
Now the question is that out of these five basic truths, where does our body lie?
Our body is a product of material nature. So, our body is the part of third basic truth, the ‘Prakriti’, the material nature. And as material nature is not eternal, our body is also not eternal and is, therefore, false and temporary.
Now the question is why the soul, the second basic truth, which is eternal, needs the body, the third basic truth, which is not eternal. What is the purpose of body? And why something which is eternal needs something which is not eternal? Why the second basic truth needs the third basic truth? What is the need of the soul to get manifested through the body? What is the need? Why does the soul need the body? is its existence or its actual manifestation. The question is, what is the need for it?
The sole purpose of this life is to gain absolute liberation. But how is that possible without first achieving liberation? So, the sole purpose of the body is to gain absolute liberation, but absolute liberation cannot happen without liberation. Liberation means freedom from material consciousness, the entire material consciousness. As body is a part of material nature, freedom from the body is the sole purpose of this life – the sole purpose of the soul to come in material nature.
So, to gain absolute freedom, absolute liberation, we need to first achieve liberation, the freedom from the entire material consciousness, including our body. And, that is called ‘Mukti’- liberation. Once ‘Mukti’ is achieved, the freedom from the material consciousness is achieved, we can progress towards absolute liberation – Moksha – Jeevan Mukti. This is the sole purpose of the manifestation of the soul in material nature, or having this life. So, the sole purpose of the ‘Jeev’, the soul, the eternal part of the five basic truths is to gain Jeevan Mukti. And, this is not possible for the ‘Jeev’, the soul, without getting manifested in the body and being part of the material nature.
The prakriti, the material nature, is also of two types. One is the superior prakriti, and the other is the inferior prakriti.
The ‘Jeev’, the soul, in the body, is superior Prakriti. All living beings with different levels of consciousness, like human beings, animals, plants, and even other insects, small or big, are part of superior Prakriti. So, all living beings, conscious beings, are part of superior Prakriti, whereas inferior Prakriti is material nature.
However, Superior Prakriti has different levels of consciousness.
So, out of these five basic truths, it is important to note that the material nature and Karma are not eternal. However, the effects of Karma can be very old because of which Karma may seem to be eternal, but they are not. As ‘Karma’ are not eternal, we can change the effect of our past ‘Karma’ based on the perfection of our knowledge.
But the ‘kaal’, the time, within which everything happens, is eternal. And this depends on the perfection of knowledge that we can change the effects of our Karma because they are not eternal.
The position of the ‘Daata’ is Supreme Consciousness, and that of ‘Jeev’, the soul, is consciousness. So, the Supreme Being is Supreme Consciousness.
‘Daata’, the Supreme Consciousness, and the ‘Jeev’, the soul, are eternal because they both are conscious. Material nature and Karma are not eternal, because they are not conscious. Time is eternal because everything has to happen within something, including consciousness.
Living beings cannot attain the position of Supreme Consciousness, the ‘Daata’, but can attain the position of near super-consciousness – pure consciousness, and that experience of pure consciousness is nothing but an ‘Advait’ vision.
Advait vision is where you see yourself at no difference to the ‘Daata’, the God. But not ‘Daata’, not God – equal to God, or just God for that matter – but not God.
Advait means ‘not two’ but does not also mean ‘one’. And when this realisation of Advait vision happens – the realisation of being just God, the realisation of ‘not two’ – then enlightenment happens, which opens the door of Moksha – to achieve the sole purpose of the Jeev, the soul, by getting manifested in this material nature through body, which is not eternal.
So, Daata and Jeev, the first two basic truths are eternal. Third basic truth, material nature, is not eternal. Karma happen in material nature through the body and are therefore not eternal, though the effects may be very old. But they can be changed with the perfection of knowledge. Kaal, the time, is eternal within which everything happens, including consciousness.
I hope that understanding of the five basic truths will lead you to the path of absolute liberation. It is important to understand the purpose of life, the nature of the body within material nature and the desire of Jeev to come into material nature to achieve the sole purpose of absolute liberation, Moksha.
Om Tat-Sat!
… Param Dwij