How ‘Daata’ (God) Orchestrates the Universe

(Based on the live discourse of Param Dwij)
(परम द्विज के प्रवचन पर आधारित)

The idea that the universe is composed of tiny, vibrating strings is an exciting concept in modern physics. By viewing the universe as a symphony of these strings, scientists can explore the fundamental building blocks of our reality. It allows us to better understand the complex interactions between particles and forces in the universe. By delving deeper into the mysteries of these vibrating strings, we can unlock new insights into the workings of our universe, which could pave the way for new technologies and innovations.

The Cosmic Score

Picture yourself standing in the midst of a vast and infinite cosmic theatre, where the stars twinkle like diamonds and the galaxies swirl and dance in perfect harmony. In this magnificent cosmic stage, the black holes emit a mysterious hum that echoes through the void while the cosmic rays illuminate the darkness and bring it to life. Amidst this cosmic orchestra, a symphony of unparalleled beauty and majesty, an ethereal composition transcends all human comprehension and perception.

This symphony is orchestrated by Daata – the cosmic conductor – whose unseen hands weave together the fabric of the universe in a grand and magnificent composition. It unites everything, from the smallest subatomic particles to the most distant galaxies, in a harmonious melody that echoes through every corner of the cosmos. The harmonies of this symphony are so intricate and complex that they seem to defy understanding, yet they are also so simple and pure that they touch the very essence of our being.

As you listen to this symphony, you can feel its harmonies reverberating through every particle, quasar, and sentient soul in the universe. It is a symphony that speaks to the heart of creation, a cosmic masterpiece that unites all things and gives meaning to our existence. It will continue to play on long after we are gone, echoing through the cosmos for all eternity.

Daata – A Maestro:

At the helm of the cosmic realm stands Daata, the Supreme Consciousness that reigns supreme over all existence. This all-encompassing entity is the uncaused cause, the ineffable One that gives rise to everything in existence. It is a force beyond comprehension, as vast and incomprehensible as the universe itself, yet infinitely more complex and profound.

Daata’ is a nameless, formless entity that exists beyond all human understanding. It is a being of pure consciousness that transcends time and space, weaving the fabric of existence itself. From the tiniest subatomic particles to the vast expanse of the cosmos, Daata is the master weaver of all creation.

The cosmic intelligence guides the workings of the universe, from the laws of physics to the thoughts that reside within our minds. The force binds us all together, the essence of life itself. Whether we call it God, Ishwara, Allah, or Cosmic Intelligence, Daata is the ultimate source of all existence, the supreme consciousness that permeates all things.

In its infinite wisdom, Daata weaves stardust into galaxies, thoughts into minds, and love into hearts, creating a tapestry of life that is both complex and beautiful. It is the ultimate expression of creativity, the source of all inspiration, and the guiding light that illuminates our path through the universe. Truly, Daata is the essence of creation itself, the embodiment of all that is good and pure in the world.

 The Instruments: Jeev and Prakriti

1.  ‘I am a Jeev, Soul’

Jeev is the essence of individual consciousness, a divine spark in every living being. The eternal spirit of life transcends time, space, and material existence. Jeev actively participates in the cosmic dance of creation and evolution, embodying the interplay of free will and destiny. It is a cosmic troubadour singing a unique melody that adds to the universe’s symphony. Jeev learns, experiences, and evolves through its journey, seeking ultimate reunion with the creator, Daata. The essence of divine love, compassion, and wisdom inspires us to seek higher truths and deeper meaning in life.

2. ‘I am not Prakriti, Material Nature’

Prakriti is the raw material of the universe, which weaves atoms into nebulae, cells into organisms, and energy into matter. It is the foundation of the natural world, a dynamic and interconnected system of ecosystems, cycles, and seasons. Prakriti expresses cosmic creativity, constantly evolving and adapting to changing conditions. It is the source of all life, and its infinite diversity and complexity reflect the majesty of the creator. Prakriti embodies the principles of harmony, balance, and sustainability, reminding us of the interdependence and interconnectedness of all living beings. It is a cosmic tapestry where entropy whispers stories of creation, evolution, and transformation.

The Movements: Kaal and Karma

1. Time, or Kaal, is the cosmic weaver that spins threads of past, present, and future. Its dance is cyclical, marked by birth, growth, decay, and rebirth. In the grand scheme of eternity, fleeting moments are embraced, and the cosmic clocks tick to the rhythm of its weaving.

2. Karma, or Action, is the cosmic ledger that governs the law of cause and effect. Every thought, deed, and intention creates ripples that reverberate throughout existence. Karma shapes destinies, nudging souls toward awakening and illuminating the path of their spiritual journey.

The Crescendo: Unity in Diversity

1. Unity within Diversity

Daata is an omnipresent force that permeates everything around us, from the smallest microorganisms to the vast expanse of the universe. Each living being, or Jeev has a unique rhythm that reflects its personality, attitudes, and behaviours. It reflects the complex interactions between their genetic makeup, environment, and life experiences.

But despite these differences, all living beings are connected in a cosmic web of oneness. The web weaves intricate patterns of interconnectedness, forming a celestial dance that reflects the beauty of the universe. This dance manifests the unity that connects us all, reminding us that we are not alone but part of something more significant than ourselves.

2. Timelessness within Time:

Like a river, time flows continuously, with each passing moment disappearing into the depths of the past. However, despite the constant flow of time, eternity remains unscathed and unaffected by its passage. Eternity is a timeless realm that exists beyond the boundaries of time, a place where everything is constant and unchanging.

As for the moments that dissolve into time, they leave behind an impression that reverberates throughout the universe. These fleeting moments may be brief, but they have the power to echo through infinity, leaving a mark that lasts far longer than their fleeting appearance.

3. Action within Stillness:

Karma, the universal law of cause and effect, propels us through life’s journey. It governs everything we do, say, and think and determines the course of our lives. However, there is a more profound truth to existence that lies beyond karma. The truth of the silent witness, the unchanging and eternal consciousness, lies within us.

We can access this more profound truth through meditation and introspection and unveil the silent witness within us. Meditation allows us to still the mind and turn our attention inward, enabling us to experience the present moment fully. By doing so, we can become aware of the eternal consciousness that underlies our being and cultivate a profound sense of inner peace and wisdom.

Beyond the individual, the grandeur of the cosmos extends far beyond our limited perception. In the stillness of the cosmic hush, we can begin to perceive the majesty of the universe, where the breath of Daata, the giver of life, orchestrates the movements of galaxies and celestial bodies. It is a dance of creation that unfolds in perfect harmony, where each element plays its part to create a vast and intricate tapestry of existence.

4. The Audience: Seekers and Stargazers

The captivated audience of the vast and intricate cosmos sits in silent contemplation. We are enveloped by the sheer scale and complexity of the phenomena that unfold before us, and we are awed by the beauty and majesty of it all. We gaze intently at the swirling and churning nebulae, the fiery and explosive quasars, and the glittering and radiant stars that dance across the cosmic stage. We ponder the infinite patterns and symmetries that emerge from the apparent chaos as if the universe were a grand tapestry woven by an unseen hand. We strain our ears to listen to the cosmic HUM—the sound of creation that thrums through the very fabric of the universe, like a heartbeat that echoes across eternity. We yearn deeply to decipher the score, to glimpse the face of Daata, the cosmic composer who orchestrates the grand symphony of existence with an unfathomable genius. We long to see beyond the veil of stars, glimpse the cosmic plan that unites all things, and understand our place in this wondrous and vast universe.

5. The Unfinished Overture

Amidst the vast expanse of the cosmos, the symphony of existence plays on an unfinished opus that never ceases to amaze us. We, the human race, are both the audience and the instrument, notes in the grand stave of life, each with our unique role. As we venture out on our journey to seek the truth, it is essential to remember that the music lies not only in the crescendos but also in the pauses.

In those silent moments, we can hear the whispers of Daata, the cosmic force that guides us on our journey. These moments of stillness are pregnant with secrets waiting to be discovered if only we listen closely enough. The universe is constantly speaking to us, and it’s up to us to tune in and listen to the surrounding music.

As we strive to understand the grand symphony of life, it is crucial to know ourselves. By looking inward, we can discover our proper place in the grand scheme of things and become a part of the magnificent chorus of the universe. So, let us listen to the music, embrace the pauses, and find our place in this beautiful cosmic symphony.

Know yourself!


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