Intermediate Meditation
The Intermediate guided meditation helps people to quest within to identify the true self – ‘Who truly am I?’ Param Dwij recommends intermediate meditation for people who have already mastered the Beginners meditation by practicing ‘Dhaarna’ and have achieved proficiency in monitoring and controlling unwanted thoughts. Intermediate Meditation starts the real inward journey and explores realisation of self-awareness. Mastering this level of meditative stage opens the path for further progress in spirituality.

If you have already familiarized yourself with the fundamental principles and basic techniques of meditation through Meditation Practice suggested for biginners and wish to take your practice to a higher level, these Intermediate Guided Meditations are designed for you by Param Dwij. Through the Intermediate Guided Meditation, we aim to introduce you to a few new meditation concepts that will help you in your inward journey where you will start seeing yourself differently and become desperate to know the real purpose of life. These guided meditations will deepen your meditation practice to take you towards the Advanced level in meditation.
The Seven Chakras

By mastering intermediate level in meditation, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of the purpose of life through self-awareness. You will also be able to easily calm your mind in most situations. By moving past the state of mental noise, you will achieve a sense of tranquillity as you will be in a position to balance your energies. You should also feel a better control on your breathing.
While it’s not necessary to study the meditation process extensively, it is essential to continue practicing to advance further. Many people make the mistake of believing that achieving tranquillity is the ultimate goal of practicing meditation, but in reality, it’s merely a prerequisite for true reflection and further advancement that leads to a more profound direct experience. Gaining that experience will aid you in developing a strong sense of self-identity, which is not easily shaken by the uncertainties and complexities of life, but remains firm and unyielding in the face of challenges.