Living Dwij

‘Living Dwij’, is a Family of elevated minds who have taken a conscious re-birth in the present life by abandoning all societal conditionings imposed on us by taking a firm oath to adhere to strict DWIJ Principles and Practices as prescribed by Param Dwij. As real selfless service of humanity is not possible without a strong conviction in spirituality, we believe that this would help us to bring about positive change in all facets of human life, from general well-being to social harmony through the spiritual upliftment of people.

A Dwij is a person who takes conscious rebirth, by choice and careful consideration, within this life to achieve the sole purpose of coming into this world to realise the real self and ‘Brahm’, the ‘Daata’. Therefore, a Dwij is a conscious being and life as a Dwij is not led in ignorance. Taking rebirth is a conscious awareness of the purpose of life, abandoning all the imposed or borrowed societal conditionings by knowing the true façade of the self.

The journey as a ‘Dwij’ starts with understanding and awakening of the self. People work and take decisions through their physical intellect, which we call ‘the brain’. Physical intellect is part of body consciousness as we use the brain to process, analyse and decide a piece of information to satisfy bodily needs such as hunger, thirst, shelter, safety & comfort, lust, career etc., based on an individual’s needs and the capacity of the brain as gained through education, surroundings and society. A ‘Dwij’, on the other hand, focuses on the spiritual intellect, which Param Dwij calls ‘heart’, to make decisions and live life accordingly. After becoming a ‘Dwij’, a person works towards satisfying their hearts and thereby spiritual needs and desires to help the soul achieve the highest of the high goal of coming into this life – to get enlightened and achieve liberation from life, ‘moksha’. Whereas other people are either unaware of their spiritual intellect or it is shadowed by societal conditioning and past ‘karma’.

Param Dwij at Living Dwij

A ‘Dwij’ is a spiritually awakened soul who lives an easy and happy life, free from the stress and anxieties arising out of the complexities of life, by following Dwij philosophies, principles, practices and disciplines.

A ‘Dwij’ demonstrates a clear spiritual understanding and mindfulness of the self and helps others to re-discover and transform themselves. It makes people realise their pure consciousness and inner world and changes their perspective to look at the world and themselves differently. Following ‘Living Dwij’ principles, practices and disciplines, life as a ‘Dwij’ helps in experiencing the existence of the Supreme Soul, the ‘Daata’. Following Dwij philosophy by resigning religious prejudices is an enjoyable experience and journey for all ‘Dwijs’.

‘Living Dwij’ is a philanthropic clan of practitioners who are open to all humans around the globe irrespective of their background and nationality.

By deciding to be a ‘Dwij’, a person follows the philosophy, practices and disciplines of ‘Living Dwij and starts a powerful spiritual journey of transforming this life by rediscovering the self.

Living Dwij Mission

‘Living Dwij’s’ mission is to lead the life after taking rebirth as a ‘Dwij’ with the understanding and knowledge of ‘Oneness’ of all the things – a seamless connectivity between all material, non-material and spiritual things.


Living Dwij’s Core Belief

‘Living Dwij’s’ core belief system and philosophy is based on the understanding and knowledge of ‘Oneness’.

A ‘Dwij’ looks at the universe as an abode of ‘Oneness’. It does not refer to a specific sect, caste, community, nation, or even religion. In fact, it invokes across the entire humanity, regardless of boundaries of any kind.

A ‘Dwij’ believes in the eternal connection that binds everything in ‘Brahmand‘ (universe) together, not only living beings but also the material nature and lives the rest of the life to achieve liberation (‘moksha’) as the sole purpose of life.

‘Living Dwij’s’ belief and ideology of the ‘Oneness’ of the whole universe functions as a medium to eradicate all doctored and manipulative ideas imposed on the mind by the society or assimilated consciously or unconsciously from the surroundings or companionship in the present birth and old impressions engraved on the mind from previous births.

Living Dwij’s Vision

‘Living Dwij’s’ Vision is to establish a unified global society – a ‘Unified World’, that is free from inequality, discrimination, animosity, and boundaries of any kind.

A ‘Dwij’  lives life with a vision to contribute to the ‘Living Dwij’s’ vision of creating a ‘Unified World’, without boundaries of any kind.

The doctrine of the ‘Living Dwij’ is to bring out people closer by shattering the walls of misconception and religious prejudices and to make humanity realise their true self. Through spiritual upliftment of people, ‘Living Dwij’ endeavours to eradicate ideological conflicts among sects and bring them on a common ground to establish harmony.

…this will lead humanity to feel free from their prejudices, which are the sole reason of conflict in the world, and will help contribute to the ‘Living Dwij’s vision of a ‘Unified World’.


Living Dwij Doctrine

Dwij Percepts


Param Dwij recommends all ‘Dwijs’ to follow twelve commandments of the ‘Daata’ in life.

Disciplines - Living Dwij


‘Living Dwij’ disciplines cover aspects of a ‘Dwij’ life for developing to live an awakened life.

Values - Living Dwij


Param Dwij recommends displaying ‘Living Dwij’ values to be a natural behaviour for all ‘Dwij’s’.

Virtues - Living Dwij


Divine Dwij virtues are the original inner beauties and eternal inherent qualities of the soul.

12 Human Vices

A vice is a bad habit or pattern of action that demonstrates moral decay. All vices are a huddle in the spiritual journey of self-realisation.

It’s important to recognize the human vices that can lead to unethical behaviour. According to Param Dwij, there are twelve vices that should be addressed in a hierarchy.

In order to progress spiritually and realize Truth, a Dwij must overcome 12 vices and develop virtues in self. The profound teachings of ‘Living Dwij’ help one to overcome negative tendencies and reconnect with the Supreme Consciousness, fostering personal and spiritual growth.

  1. Despair (निराशा)
  2. Fear (डर)
  3. Indolence (आलस्य)
  4. Greed (लालच)
  5. Jealousy (ईर्ष्या)
  6. Expectation (अपेक्षा)
  1. Suspicion (शक)
  2. Lust (काम)
  3. Vanity (दिखावा)
  4. Ego (अहंकार)
  5. Anger (क्रोध)
  6. Infatuation (मोह)


‘Sat-Dham’ is a ‘Dwij Temple’, which is a  holy place for the Dwij Family, ‘Living Dwij’ followers and visitors, for practicing meditation and for introspection and reflection, to progress in their spiritual journey towards achieving the sole purpose of life to gain liberation (‘moksha’). Visiting ‘Sat-Dham’ regularly reinforces ‘Living Dwij’s’ percepts, disciplines and values among devotees and believers.

Out of deep love for the eternal divine connection with the ‘Daata’, ‘Living Dwij’ also refers ‘Sat-Dham’ as “HUGME” – “Home for You, God and Me”.

We welcome interest from people to help us create ‘Sat-Dham’ in your area for the spiritual upliftment of the community to promote peace and make the world a better place to live a happy and harmonious life.

You may also like to contribute to help us build ‘Sat-Dham’ in other areas and localities for meditation practice and running spiritual courses.



Contributing to the community is at the core of ‘Living Dwij’ to help realise the vision of a ‘Unified World’.


‘Living Dwij’ is dedicated to bring societal change through spiritual upliftment of people.


Charity is a noble quality that enlarges the heart and brings welfare by spreading love and compassion.


Becoming a Dwij is all about living with spiritual consciousness and realising ‘Oneness’ among all the things.

Volunteer Opportunities

‘Sankalp Charitable Trust’ – a registered non-government and not-for-profit organisation – that aims to function across 108 charities across the globe focusing on humanitarian and social services to establish peace, harmony, and growth. ‘Sankalp’ is not only looking at the social and economic development of the society but also the spiritual, mental, and physical well-being of people. The organisation envisions establishing a unified global society – a ‘unified World, without inequality, discrimination and boundaries of any kind.

There are multiple ways to volunteer for everyone irrespective of their age, skills and means. Express your interest and we will take it further.

…TOGETHER, we can win and make our world a better place to live.