Sankalp – A Solemn Vow

Param Dwij is the founder of ‘Sankalp Charitable Trust’ – a non-government and not-for-profit organisation – that aims to function across 108 charities across the globe focusing on humanitarian and social services to establish peace, harmony, and growth. Sankalp Charitable Trust is not only looking at the social and economic development but also the spiritual, mental, and physical well-being of people. The ultimate motive of the organisation is to transform the lives of people and bridge the gap between the spiritual and material worlds. Through various programs and projects, ‘Sankalp’ is on a mission to eradicate the sufferings of marginalised communities in the world and establish a sustainable ground for living a healthy and happy life that is complete and spiritually balanced. The organisation envisions establishing a unified global society where people lead a harmonious life without inequality and discrimination of sects, creeds, castes and physical boundaries.

The organisation plans to work through coordination with government agencies, corporates, local communities, and individuals at various levels.

The volunteers, receiving inspiration from Param Dwij, execute an ongoing movement across multiple projects at various levels throughout the world to help ‘Sankalp’ achieve its purpose.

You are invited to join hands with us to play a pivotal role in making a positive contribution to the world and planet earth through volunteering and contributions.

A Multifaceted Approach

Sankalp Charitable Trust, an officially registered organisation, serves for social and humanitarian causes. ‘Sankalp’ is a community of like-minded and dedicated volunteers who want to contribute without discrimination of any kind with their resources and means to bring positive change in the lives of people around the world by working on numerous welfare projects under the guidance and vision of Param Dwij.

Sankalp plans to run 108 humanitarian services under the following five broad categories.
  • One-to-One
  • Neighbourhood
  • Well-being
  • Global
  • Planet

We, at ‘Sankalp’, invite you to participate by joining the charity of your choice to contribute and experience the joy and bliss of serving.

Who We Are?


‘Sankalp’ is committed to and believes in the ‘Oneness’ of all the things and constantly lives to work towards bringing this change in the mindset of people through spiritual awareness and charitable projects all around the world, without discrimination of any kind, targeted towards individuals, communities and society to foster equality, compassion, empathy, harmony, humility, justice and unitive vision.


‘Sankalp’s’ vision is aligned with and motivated by the vision of ‘Living Dwij’ and Param Dwij to establish a unified global society – a ‘Unified World’, that is free from inequality, discrimination, animosity and boundaries of any kind, by undertaking variety of projects from human development to sustainable environment through the involvement of people.


‘Sankalp’ believes in and lives with the following values that sit at the very core of the charitable objectives of the organisation.

  • Benevolence
  • Charity
  • Cleanliness & Hygiene
  • Dedication
  • Courage
  • Determination
  • Devotion
  • Discipline
  • Focus
  • Hard work
  • Honesty
  • Human equality
  • Integrity
  • Justice
  • Non-violence
  • Passion
  • Perseverance
  • Pragmatism
  • Responsibility
  • Righteousness
  • Sacrifice
  • Service
  • Sincerity
  • Spiritual consciousness
  • Truthfulness
  • “Akarm” – To perform actions without the desire for any fruits for personal gain except inner joy and bliss.

What We Do?

What we do

We are a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to serve the humanity and the ‘Daata’s’ creation. We believe that human beings have the highest consciousness among all ‘jeevas’ and as such have the capacity to build upon the positive ‘sanskaras’ accumulated so far including in previous births to progress towards liberation from life. Inspired by Param Dwij, we believe that spirituality is at the very core of any charitable project.

We are committed to contributing to the ‘Daata’s’ larger creation, that includes environment, planet, other living creatures and material nature, by performing acts out of humility, empathy, and kindness.

Join hands with us to take part in a charity activity of your choice to contribute to our mission and vision of realising the ‘Oneness’ of all things and establishing a ‘unified world’.

We have grouped our various charity efforts into 5 broad categories.

Sankalp Projects

one to one

One to One

Charity Projects under ‘One-to-One’ focus on benefitting individuals in need.


‘Neighbourhood Charity Projects’ target to serve our nearby surroundings.


These Charity Projects are to promote general well-being in all aspects of life.


Global Charity Projects address the sufferings of mankind around the world.


Through these Projects, ‘Sankalp’ focuses on environmental conservation.

How You Can Help

How you can help

Daata’ is everything and everything is in Him and every creation is a minute reflection of His enormous energies.’ …Param Dwij

So, the service to His creation in any form is a service for Him.

Sankalp has set a huge task towards this goal and your contributions in any form, ranging from idea generation to volunteering your time or in-kind donations, will only add to bringing about the change faster and in a more effective manner.

Join hands with us to help us in any way possible in one or more of our 108 planned charity projects and be part of making effective and visible contributions to the lives of people and the ‘Daata’s’ larger creation.

Your help and contributions will help us progress towards our vision of a ‘Unified World’.


“Giving with love and compassion without any trace of desire is the real act of charity.”


Join the movement and be part of it!


You are welcome to become a member of ‘Sankalp’ in the capacity of a volunteer or an office bearer and contribute through your knowledge, skills and time. We realise that spiritual development and inner transformation is at the core of any charity with selfless objectives. As a member, you will have the opportunity to work with highly motivated and like-minded team of dedicated volunteers and ‘Dwijs’, who work with the inspiration of Param Dwij and are committed to promoting spiritual well-being, personal growth, and the welfare of the world. We are looking for and invite volunteers with varied skills but with a strong conviction to make a positive impact on the life of others and the ‘Daata’s’ larger creation.


We invite individuals to take conscious rebirth within this birth to get reborn as a ‘Dwij’  and contribute to the massive efforts of the ‘Living Dwij’ community to bring harmony in all elements of our planet including human beings, and promote peace, happiness, freedom, equality and justice in all walks of life for all and our future generations. Being spiritually motivated individuals as ‘Dwij’, we breathe through transparency, accountability and ongoing evaluation of the self and progress of our projects. You can dedicate yourself as a ‘Dwij’ while living a worldly life in your family and contribute to and manage a ‘Sankalp’ Charity Project in your locality.

How We Work

We are dedicated to our vision and to contributing to the ‘Daata’s’ creation and making our world and planet a better place to live. Inspired by the teachings and vision of our founder and mentor, Param Dwij, ‘Sankalp’ undertakes a series of spiritual, social and environmental charity activities to bring harmony and peace among all sections of our society at global level to continually keep making a progress towards ‘Living Dwij’s’ mission of a ‘Unified World’. Our charity projects target current challenges our world and the planet are facing.

We invite you to take part and make your contribution towards our cause. We have systematic programs to train you and support you in your efforts, and then develop you towards a possible future leadership role at regional and global levels.

Volunteer Training

Volunteer Training

Understanding our philosophy, vision, and goal to make the world a better place is crucial for everyone looking to engage with ‘Sankalp’. As a volunteer/ member, you will attend training sessions and receive an orientation to our programs from knowledgeable and experienced trainers.

Supporting Implementation

Supporting Implementation

‘Sankalp’ is a solemn vow of Param Dwij and as such you will have all the necessary tools to get the most out of your involvement. We do everything to ensure a safe, secure, and respectable environment to help you contribute to bring positive change.

Leadership Development

Leadership Development

As an aspiring ‘Dwij’, you will be trained, developed and supported throughout your life journey by fellow ‘Dwijs’ to help you contribute to the ‘Daata’s’ creation and progress towards the highest spiritual goal of all ‘Dwijs’ to achieve liberation from life.