How you can destroy the effects of your ‘Karma’?
‘Satsur’ word derives from the ancient Sanskrit language. If you look at its etymological structure, it is made of two separate words, ‘Sat’ and ‘Sur’. ‘Sat’ means ‘true’, and also ‘seven,’ as in number, and ‘sur’ means ‘voice’ or ‘sound’. Thus, the word ‘Satsur’ produces two different meanings – one is ‘true voice’ (of wisdom and knowledge) and the other is ‘seven voices’.
Dwij Satsur is a daily ritual to be performed in the morning and evening, which combines seven activities of true voice of wisdom and knowledge to consistently progress towards self-realisation to achieve the sole purpose of life to gain ‘Moksha’.
Meditation is one of the main activities of Daily Satsur. However, the entire Satsur is a meditative experiance.
The Satsur is accessible to all practitioners at Dwij Centers – ‘Satdham’ or via virtual platforms. Daily Satsur is highly recommended to those who aspire to live a Dwij life and is a must-do-activity for all Dwijs. Satsur can be attended in a group or alone at any time of the day, if someone misses the scheduled timings.
Place – Nearest Dwij Centre (SatDham) or at your place via online mediums
Morning Satsur
Evening Satsur
Daily Satsur Programs