So-called Religiosity is not necessary to lead an Enlightened Life
(Based on the live discourse of Param Dwij)
(परम द्विज के प्रवचन पर आधारित)

Om-Tat-Sat; ‘Daata’ is in my remembrance!
What is the meaning of life? I am not talking about that one reason of life, for which we are born. I am talking about the art of living life. ‘How to live life?’ What is the meaning of life?’ ‘Is living life means just the existence?’ ‘Is our existence our life?’
The soul is eternal. It never dies. The soul is eternal, which has neither a beginning nor an end. We manifest our existence through our life in this material nature. All other conscious beings in this universe also have their own existence but existence is not living a manifested life. Existence can mean presence but not certainly being alive as well.
That’s why today we are talking about how to live the life or art of living.
The human soul has the highest level of consciousness compared to all souls, including animals and insects. And, therefore, the human soul has the potential to achieve the highest possible goal of self-realisation or self-knowledge. Clearly, self-realisation is the breath of Enlightenment, the knowledge of the self and the Supreme Being, the ‘Daata’. Knowledge is nothing but the clarity of facts and things. The clarity of facts and things as they are!
Live a clear and lucid life. Because this is the only essential grace of life with which knowledge enters life and shows the right path. Always remember by heart, in your spiritual intellect, that existence is not living.
…and we want to live. Isn’t it? We want to live our life to the fullest.
And, to live we will have to know the meaning of life.
How can you know the meaning of life if you do not know its purpose? Once you discover your life’s purpose, you will be amazed to find that you have come on this earth to live a living life, a conscious life, not a dead life, or a mere existence without meaning and purpose. So, the first thing is to identify and truly realise that purpose for which you took birth in this non-eternal material nature. Once you realise that purpose, the meaning of life will be clear to you and perhaps you will start living provided you have start working towards achieving that purpose.
And, working towards the purpose of life is to live a purposeful life, meaningful life!
One person’s life purpose may be different from another person’s life purpose. However, the basis for deciding on life’s purpose is to determine how you can positively impact the lives of others – without self-deception or hidden selfish motives. Impacting others positively or in a broader sense contributing to the ‘Daata’s’ creation positively, would depend upon your skills and abilities. What are you good at?
So, you don’t need to be a so-called religious person to lead an enlightened life. You can be anyone, a teacher, a musician, a magician, a businessman, a monk, a politician, or anyone else. But recognize your skills, and your potential, and become proficient in it. And then, whenever you do anything in that capacity, in that role, in performing that skill, just keep in mind only one thing that you have to make a positive contribution to the creation of the ‘Daata’.
And, by doing this, you will achieve the meaning of life! I promise.
…and, that meaning is nothing but joy, happiness, and bliss within – every moment, all the time, and always!
Realise the purpose and meaning of this life, my very best wishes.
…Param Dwij