Charity Activities

Spiritual Activities

  • Offer morning and evening prayers to the ‘Daata’  in His praise through His symbol of ‘BrahmJyoti Stambh  at the home or community ‘Sat-Dham’
  • During morning and evening prayers show your commitment to the ‘Daata’  towards ‘Dwij’  life by saying ten times – ‘Thank you ‘Daata’  for showing me the path to be a ‘Dwij’.’
  • Practice five times meditation each day:
    • after waking up in the morning
    • after morning routine and before breakfast (in morning prayer)
    • mid-day between 12 pm and 2 pm
    • evening, before sunset (in evening prayer)
    • before going to bed
  • Before each daily meditation, spend 2 minutes in silence with closed eyes to analyse the quality of thoughts during the day.
  • While greeting others, touch your heart with right hand or by pressing your hands together in ‘Namaste’ position and say ‘Om Tat Sat’  by slightly bowing your head and reciprocate to others’ greetings in the same manner by saying ‘Tat Sat Om’
  • Offer food to the ‘Daata’  in your thoughts by closing your eyes before starting eating your meals
  • Observe Sunday as the ‘Daata’s’  day
  • Create a small group of like-minded ‘Dwijs’  within which you can disclose or discuss or reflect upon any wrong or unworthy thoughts that came in your mind during the day and try to figure out the cause and remedy of the same
  • Recite/chant the mantra in the ‘Daata’s’  remembrance during morning and evening prayers:

    Hindi: “मेरा प्यारा दाता, परमपिता, परम आत्मा, दिव्य-दृष्टि वरदाता, परम ज्ञान बरसाता”

    Remember to say that from heart (spiritual intellect) in your language and let us know if you need proper translation in your language.

    English: “’O’ my dear ‘Daata’, my Supreme Father and  the Supreme Soul, you are the Bestower of Divine Sight and Supreme Knowledge.”

  • Where possible, visit ‘Sat-Dham’ for daily ‘Satsur’ or at least once a week on Sunday mornings and try to visit ‘Param-Dham’ once a year
  • Create a list of 10 vows to help you progress in your spiritual journey as a Dwij and Give marks to each vow out of ten before going to sleep every day. Keep monitoring your daily progress in your spiritual journey to reach to the highest possible goal as a ‘Dwij’ to gain ‘Moksha’. (Write to us at info@livingdwij.org if you need the ‘Vows Monitoring Template’ with 10 vows recommended by Param Dwij for all ‘Dwij’.) You may submit your monthly evaluation sheet in confidence with the ‘Daata’ via email to ‘Living Dwij’ to help yourself remain committed to your progression
  • Attend, listen or read daily ‘Satsur’ by Param Dwij to train the spiritual intellect to overpower the physical intellect
  • Read and motivate others to read Dwij spiritual texts and lend them reading material.
  • Practice journaling your spiritual experiences as a ‘Dwij’.
  • Organise daily (morning/ evening) ‘Satsur’ and meditation classes in groups either at home or a common place such as a community hall or nearby ‘Sat-Dham’.
  • Dwij-Phery‘ – Organise ‘Dwij-Phery‘ by walking on the streets in a group and chanting ‘Om Tat-Sat’. Finish the Phery at a common place or at somebody’s house to meditate, followed by ‘Dwij Bhoj’ (eating together).