Basics of Self-esteem

Purpose of this course:
Self-esteem is a crucial aspect of one’s perception of personal worth and value. It reflects how much confidence you have in your abilities, qualities, and overall self-respect. Maintaining healthy self-esteem is essential, as it can significantly impact your motivation, mental health, and overall well-being. However, it’s important to note that having excessively high or low self-esteem can lead to problems. By understanding your individual level of self-esteem, you can work towards achieving a healthy balance and boosting your overall sense of self-worth.
Self-esteem is a complex concept that is made up of various important components. One of these components is self-confidence, which involves having faith in one’s abilities and qualities. Another vital component is a sense of security, which refers to feeling safe and protected in one’s environment. A strong sense of identity or knowing who you are and what you stand for, is also crucial to self-esteem. Additionally, feeling like you belong and being accepted by others is an essential component of self-esteem. Lastly, a sense of competence, or the ability to accomplish tasks and achieve goals, is also a critical aspect of self-esteem. It is worth noting that self-esteem tends to be lowest during childhood but gradually increases during adolescence and adulthood. Eventually, it reaches a level of stability that endures over time, much like personality traits.
- Constantly Seeking Approval – How to Stop it?
- How to handle the fear of Rejection’.
- Changing Negative Self-Talk into Positive Talk
- How to not let other people’s values or opinions affect your self-esteem.
- How to stop being disappointed or frustrated with yourself.
- How to create growth without frustration.
- Don’t excuse success – be proud of yourself.
- How to let go when something doesn’t work out.
- Exercise: It’s time to meet yourself.
- How to accept what you cannot change.
- The necessary willingness to change.
- The only thing that determines what you deserve.
- Temporary and baseline emotions – and how not to confuse them.
- Showing yourself that you’re “worth it”.
- How to handle criticism and negative feedback.
- How to teach others how to treat you.
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